Meet Dr Rowan

ASummer Solstice baby, I’ve always felt a connection with the liminal spaces and traversing the veils of reality. Gemini Sun ascribes natural talent gridding, accumulating, disseminating and synergizing various and disparate patterns of information and data.

Moon in Sagittarius in my 8th house draws me to the philosophical, the occult and the depth experiential adventures of life. Aries Rising gives me a warrior nature and rather fiery direct approach.

As a millenial, I’m part of the generation that remembers the good ol’ days pre-internet and pre-cell phone… and now lives in a world over-run by screen time, adhd, social media addiction and narcissism, and dissociation. I’ve experimented with #nomadlife and #vanlife and also seriously considering the off-grid homestead thing with close friends. We’re the generation that popularized Shadow Work, inner self-inquiry, the psychedelic renaissance, biohacking, therapy as a means for healing childhood trauma, and seeking deeper purpose-driven lives.

We grew up on Harry Potter; thus brining witchcraft, magic, and astrology back into mainstream trendiness. New Age spirituality blended with our transformational festivals and a whole culture of shamanic yogic lifestyle-health-coaches was born. There’s a lot of juicy goodness in all these movements. And I’ve honestly had my fair share of participation in wearing all the different hats and masks that come with finding oneself on the path of self-discovery. I’ve also been exposed to and seen the dark under-belly, bypassing, and fast-food spirituality running rampant in these areas as well.

Our current world scene is riddled with misinformation, gas-lighting, and delusion in every area of life – from healthcare to government to personal relationships. It is now more vital that ever to get clear, get healthy and strong, find our inner discernment and sense of knowing Truth, and align with our Soul. To be embodied in these ways, have regulated nervous systems, gain skills in self-sufficiency and educate ourselves, and find like-minded community are imperatives moving forward.

I was blessed to grow up in a family that valued holistic medicine. But it was my own health issues in college that led me to finding Naturopathic Medicine and Acupuncture as a career path (let’s be honest, its basically like going to Hogwarts and studying magic). Having dealt with Celiac, auto-immune thyroid, parasites, sleep name it..I’ve personally experimented and bio-hacked and detoxed and plant-medicine-ceremony’d and tried out ALL the things on myself. Some have been great and some flopped. Some even created more issues. Here’s the thing though – healing is non-linear, the body is infinitely intelligent and wise, and the journey and exploration to well-being is something to embrace like you would a life-partner and best-friend.

With quantum physics catching up with the mystical, the expansion of consciousness bringing awareness to the power of the mind-body connection, the dawning of the Age of Aquarius, and the multi-dimensionality of our Wholeness in relation to the greater Cosmos being revealed one Ayahuasca or mushroom trip at a time… we are really living in a time of great change.

If you’re ready to take the deep dive, take responsibility for your own health and well-being, then check our my services, book a discovery call, and let’s see if we resonate! If you’re looking for a quick-fix, look elsewhere.

I like to say I am an avid and perpetual student of life. A seeker of spiritual truths. An experimenter of transformational technologies and lifestyle biohacks. An inner-healing artist continuing to evolve and grow on my own path. 

I have always been rather introspective and reflective as part of my nature – a sensitive child that lived in my imagination or with my nose in fantasy books and fairy tales. A strong emphasis on intellectual pursuits as well as world travel were cornerstones in my family ethos growing up. The travel bug caught me early days, and it stayed. 

I was drawn to Naturopathic Medicine, to be completely honest, because it sounded like the closest I could get to Hogwarts in our current education system. Curricula that focused at the intersection of modern science, ancient and traditional healing arts, combined with my personal interest in esoterica and the mystical, became for me a study of the real and practical “magic” that exists across time. 

So of course, I had to also then study Chinese Medicine, since my school offered a dual-degree. Soon followed a deep dive into one of favorite modalities – Craniosacral Therapy. I explored shamanism and animism, dreamwork, meditation and breath-work, yoga and Ayurveda, Qi Gong – and continue to dabble in everything alchemical I can find.    

My excitement gets stoked when I figure out how all of these various skills and arts I’ve learned can be practically applied to our modern daily lifestyle. A revival of ancient wisdom with a futurist twist. 

Where does discussing “alchemy” have any purpose in a dialogue around lifestyle protocols?

There is a map that exists within our bodies, within the stars. A spiritual science to the art of transformation and healing. To grasp these concepts, shift our perceptions and definitions of reality, and practically apply them to our experience of life, changes the game! We become our own healer, our own Doctor, the captain of the ship of our Soul and destiny. Sovereignty in a time of misinformation, delusion, and confusion. 

If you’re ready to take the dive, and take responsibility for your health and well-being, then check out my services. Let’s see if we resonate! 

If you’re looking for a quick fix, look elsewhere. 

Cheers to the journey of a lifetime!  

My Studies, Research, and The ART of Medicine…

Naturopathic Medicine (ND)

A 4-year doctorate level degree. Botanical medicine, nutrition and nutraceuticals, functional labs and diagnostics, holistic systems mind-body, homeopathy, prevention and wellness. Root cause.

Craniosacral Therapy (CST)

Fascia. Spine. Listening.

Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine (LAc)

Earth, Water, Metal, Wood, Fire. Elemental and organ patterns and correspondences. Meridians and Qi. Harmonious Flow.

Esoteric Acupuncture. Facial/Cosmetic.

Medical Astrology/Spiritual Science and Esoterica

As Above, So Below. A multi-dimensional and quantum relationship. Alchemy. Transformation and Integration. Seeking the True Self.

Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine

Steeped in ancient wisdom, Eastern mysticism and philosophy, the study and art of Acupuncture is a passion. Over the years I have enriched my TCM foundations with further study, exploration, and certification into the many diverse realms and applications of this profound healing technology.

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)

The foundational elements of life: Earth, Metal, Water, Wood, Fire. At its core, TCM recognizes these essences of the Natural world and their interplay in the human being as a constitutional balancing act. Organ system harmonies and patterns of dis-ease are seen and addressed through this lens.

I currently hold a license in the state of Hawaii. Received my Masters in 2013 from University of Bridgeport Acupuncture Institute (UBAI).

Esoteric Acupuncture

Align and activate the chakras and meridians while awakening higher levels of consciousness by combining Acupuncture with specialized Sacred Geometry patterns. Working in the realms of the astral and etheric blueprints, a specific spin is introduced at the points, anchoring higher frequencies into the physical body, bringing about expanded awareness, clarity of mind, deeper alignment with our spiritual nature, and enlivening our physical well-being from top-down.

This technology helps awaken the HeartMind – revealing our sacred purpose, creates portals for releasing past karma, and stimulates the creative life force. Can be done remotely and without needles.

Founded by Dr Mikio Sankey, PhD ( Foundations certifications in-person with Dr Mikio. Further study remotely with Alison Clarke-Daly (

Facial/Cosmetic Rejuvenation Acupuncture

Your face is a map of information into the rest of your system. Lines of grief, laughter, anger, patterns of tension… quality of blood in complexion, health of the intestines.. everything revealed on the open-book of your beautiful face.

A holistic and whole-body treatment addresses underlying disharmonies with special attention to the facial landscape. The tiniest needles transdermally stimulate collagen production while additional cupping and gua sha promote lymph flow and release fascial adhesions.

Certification in-person with Michelle Gellis AP, LAc, MAc DiplAc ( a pioneer in the field.

Daoist Stone Medicine

Stones hold crystalline codes of coherent information stored within the matrix of their perfect form. When applied to acupuncture points in place of needles, through the piezoelectric effect, they emit electromagnetic fields; positively and uniquely influencing the human biofield. An entire library to compliment botanical medicine.

My big sister as I call her and teacher par excellence, Sarah Thomas LAc of Upper Clarity School of Stone Medicine (, shares the distilled knowledge and wisdom of her own inner channel, as well passing on the lineage from her teacher Jeffrey Yuen, an 88th generation Daoist priest and scholar.

My Continual Explorations And Experiences With Esoterica & Alchemy, Shamanic Explorations, and Extracurricular Studies Are Many…

  • Shamanic Priestess Mentorship. 2 years. Pilgrimage to Egypt.
  • Reiki Level I & II
  • Nei Gong and Internal Arts with Damo Mitchell Lotus Nei Gong International in Bali, Indonesia.
  • Bio-hacking nerd experimentations.
  • Women’s Herbal Conferences.
  • In-the-field clinical work. Guatemala. Jamaica. Acu without Borders.

  • Independent study various Mystery School teachings and Alchemy – Anthroposophy, Hermeticism, Kabbalah, Egyptian and Daoist Arts, Ayurveda, Dreamwork etc.
  • Plant Medicine Ceremonies.
  • Evolutionary Herbalism and Medical Astrology.
  • Water Fasting and Detox Retreat Co-creation with Dr Jessica Renfer.
  • Dr Joe Dispenza Retreats.

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