Self-Craniosacral: A Movement Therapy for Somatic Healing Through Fascial Awareness

When you work on the hydraulic system of the skull and spine, you work on “everything” the fascial system AND nervous system touch.

The major hormonal and energy vortexes of the body (chakras) also anchor into the spine – addressing somato-emotional and spiritual imbalances on physiological, cellular, and spiritual levels all at the same time.

You may be familiar with personalised Yoga therapy sessions, where the yoga teacher guides and corrects your movements.

A Craniosacral session is similar in nature. I will guide you through the 3 levels of Self Craniosacral Healing, showing you the ‘how’ while teaching you the ‘why”.

You will have a foundational understanding of the sacred art of Craniosacrial Self-Healing after working with me.

What a session Entails?

We start with the basics and then learn to self-apply the techniques to adjust and release the fascia within your own body.

Once you understand how it works, you will continue to deepen on your own, and also feel empowered to generally assist family and friends.

Available for 1:1 sessions as well as group work.

We start with the Basics.

We lay the foundations of understanding around the anatomy of the Craniosacral system and how it works. We get informed on the magic of Fascia as well as the multi-dimensionality and far-reaching potential of this therapeutic approach. Foundation-level and basic “holds” to work on joints, the spine, and body centers are taught.

How to Listen with your Hands.

We wake up the eyes of the hands and attune their sensitivity to sense micron-level movements and adjustments happening within the tissues. This also involves the ability to settle and relax our own nervous system and mind to get coherent and observant.

Allowing, Following, Unwinding.

As our awareness and ability to “tune in to the tissues” grows and evolves, we learn to apply certain principles and qualities of attention to allow the body to Unwind and Release as it needs – following the innate healing intelligence of the body – reversing We want to make sure your system is cleared of the parasites.

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You Will Cultivate a Deep Inner Listening To and With Your Body.

  • Learn how to participate as the body unwinds through stored restrictions and misalignments
  • Find the balance between attention and intention when facilitating release
  • Learn a few simple techniques and how to manipulate and adjust your own joints, tissues, and spine 
  • Learn practical application in acute situations to reverse/ameliorate injury at the scene 
  • Let go of mind/story and allow the wisdom of the body to guide you 
  • Empower yourself in your own healing process and have skills to share with others 
  • Once you get the feel for it, fly little bird! Our time together is done.

This looks like video calls, either 1:1 or in small groups, or in-person depending on your needs.

Craniosacral Therapy Levels I, II, & III

There are three levels to the teachings. Each level is a self-contained teaching that you can put to use immediately. My work is experiential and as you move through the levels you will come to feel the subtleties of energy and connections.

Level 1

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Level 2

Genesis design collections have everything you need to design beautiful block-powered websites with just a few clicks.

Level 3

Genesis design collections have everything you need to design beautiful block-powered websites with just a few clicks.

Our fascia creates a vast communication network connecting every organ, every muscle, and every cell in our body.

Made of collagen forming a triple helix, and lined inside and outside with structured water, fascia acts as a liquid crystal matrix on the scale of nano-tubules. This size domain is ruled by the realm of quantum biology.

Structured water itself helps drive electric, photonic, protonic, and frequency information throughout the body by creating a type of water-battery driving the flow of quantum particles and vibratory information. So what we’re working with here is basically a fiber-optic antenna system capable of both receiving and emitting information through various mediums including light, sound, and electro-magnetic frequencies on the quantum scale down to the physical.

Compiled Research of Gerald Pollock on structured water, and Dr Catherine Clinton ND.

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